Developing the game for market
The Desert Rose team have spent the last month producing two versions of the board game. They include the high-end teaser made from beautifully varnished plywood as well as a cheaper version printed on plastic which can be rolled up and easily stored or carried on a camel!
Desert Rose Consultant Sam Ray describes what he found on his recent trip to Jijgiga. He was there to introduce the newly produced high-end teaser of the Ganacsi camel game to the Somali community before its official launch.
“Miyir and I spent a week in Jigjiga doing a third round of testing with the game – this time using a high-quality prototype. It generated a lot of excitement and people were very quick to learn the rules and get involved.
It was good to hear several players tells us we needed to get this out to the camel herders. We noted down some minor tweaks that would be helpful for the game and invited Mercy Corps field staff to join us for a game in a café. A highlight from the trip was running some cheap, high-quality test prints for a cheaper version of the game at a sign printing shop in Jigjiga.”
You can read our most recent report update on the latest developments of the Ganacsi camel game we are making for Mercy Corps by clicking here.